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Command Overview

Arguments Key: <required> [optional]

Claim Identifier

Many commands support the new argument [identifier] which is the claim id set by the claim owner. If you do not want to be required to stand in a claim for a specific command, set the claim identifier using /gd claim id <identifier> then pass the identifier at the end of the command.
If using an identifier for an admin claim, the format is admin:<identifier>
If using an identifier for wilderness, the format is wilderness:<identifier>
If using an identifier for another player, the format is <playername>:<identifier>

Main Command





Note: Use public if you want to trust all users.




Command Detail


/gd abandon claim

Aliases: abandon, abandonclaim
Arguments: [identifier]
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.abandon.base
Additional Permissions:
griefdefender.user.claim.command.abandon.basic - Required if abandoning basic claim.
griefdefender.user.claim.command.abandon.subdivision - Required if abandoning subdivision. - Required if abandoning town.
Note: This is only used for user claims NOT admin claims. See /gd delete claim [identifier]

Abandons the claim you are standing on unless a claim identifier is specified. Note: This command will only work on claims with no children. If you want to abandon a claim with children, you must use /gd abandon top instead.

/gd abandon all

Aliases: abandonall, abandonallclaims
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.abandon-all

Abandons ALL your user claims.

/gd abandon top

Aliases: abandontop
Arguments: [identifier]
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.abandon-top-level

Abandons the claim you are standing on and all its subdivisions unless a claim identifier is specified. Note: If used on a town claim, it will also include all basic children claims owned by the town owner.

/gd buy blocks

Aliases: buyblocks, buyclaimblocks
Arguments: <amount>
Requires: Economy plugin

Purchases additional claim blocks with currency. Note: economy-block-cost must be set higher than 0 in options.conf for this command to work.

/gd buy claim

Aliases: claimbuy
Requires: Economy plugin.

View a list of claims for sale. Click [Buy] to purchase.

/gd claim bank

Aliases: claimbank
Arguments: <withdraw|deposit> <amount> <name> [identifier]
Requires: Economy plugin that supports virtual banks and config settingbank-system set to true in global.conf

Used to withdraw or deposit money for use in claim you are standing in unless a claim identifier is specified.

/gd claim contract

Aliases: claimcontract, contractclaim
Arguments: <amount> [direction] [identifier]
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.contract

Contracts/Shrinks the claim you are standing in, unless a claim identifier is specified, from the direction specified or facing.

/gd claim create

Aliases: claimcreate
Arguments: <radius>|chunk [type]
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.create.base
Additional Permissions:
griefdefender.user.claim.create.basic - Required if creating basic claim.
griefdefender.user.claim.create.subdivision - Required if creating subdivision. - Required if creating town.
griefdefender.admin.claim.command.admin-mode - Required if creating admin claim.

Creates a claim around the player of the given type. If no claimtype (or an incorrect one) is specified, a basic claim will be created.
Note: If chunk is used instead of <radius>, the claim will consume entire chunk you are standing in.

/gd claim debug

Aliases: cfdebug
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.flag.debug

Toggles user claim debugging mode for claim owners to test protection as a non-trusted user.

/gd claim displayname

Aliases: claimdisplayname
Arguments: <name>|clear
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.display-name

Sets the display name of your claim.
Note: Use clear as argument to clear display name.
Note: This command checks for reserved names set by admins in global.conf. If a reserved name is found, it will not be set unless set by an admin.

/gd claim expand

Aliases: claimexpand, expandclaim
Arguments: <amount> [direction] [identifier]
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.expand

Expands the claim you are standing in, unless a claim identifier is specified, in the direction specified or facing.

/gd claim farewell

Aliases: claimfarewell
Arguments: <message>|clear|none [identifier]
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.farewell

Sets the farewell message of the claim you are standing in, unless a claim identifier is specified.
Note: To unset, use /gd claim farewell clear

/gd claim greeting

Aliases: claimgreeting
Arguments: <message>|clear|none [identifier]
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.greeting

Sets the greeting message of your claim.
Note: To unset, use /gd claim greeting clear

/gd claim id

Aliases: claimid
Arguments: <identifier>

Sets the friendly identifier of your claim.
Note: This command checks for reserved names set by admins in global.conf. If a reserved name is found, it will not be set unless set by an admin.

/gd claim info

Aliases: claiminfo
Arguments: [identifier]
Additional Permissions: - Required to see other claim info not owned by you. - Required to change a claim to a town type. - Required to toggle raids.
griefdefender.user.claim.command.greeting - Required to set claim greeting.
griefdefender.user.claim.command.farewell - Required to set claim farewell.
griefdefender.user.claim.command.enter-title - Required to set claim enter title.
griefdefender.user.claim.command.exit-title - Required to set claim exit title. - Required to toggle chat capture. - Required to see creation date in claims not owned by you. - Required to see last active in claims not owned by you. - Required to see claim UUID in claims not owned by you.

Gets information about the claim you are standing in unless a claim identifier is specified.

/gd claim inspect

Aliases: claiminspect
Arguments: [area|hide|hideall]
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.inspect

Inspects the target block player is looking at or nearby claims.

/gd claim list

Aliases: claimlist
Arguments: [<player> [world]]
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.list.base
Additional Permissions:
griefdefender.user.claim.command.list.others - Required to list claims not owned by you. - Required to list towns not owned by you. - Required to toggle chat capture.

List information about a player's claims.

/gd claim rent

Aliases: claimrent
Arguments: [create <rate> [max_days]|list|cancel]
Requires: Economy plugin and rent-system to be enabled in global.conf

Used to rent/list claims.
Note: This command is only used for built-in GD rent system. It is recommended to use RealEstate instead.

/gd claim setspawn

Aliases: claimsetspawn
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.set-spawn

Sets the spawn of your claim to the location you are standing in.

/gd claim spawn

Aliases: claimspawn
Arguments: [identifier]
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.spawn
Requires: Economy plugin if player-teleport-cost is used.

Teleports you to claim spawn, if available.
Note: To delay teleport, set option player-teleport-delay higher than 0 in options.conf.
Note: To charge currency on teleport, set player-teleport-cost to a value higher than 0 in options.conf.

/gd claim tax

Arguments: balance|force|reset|resetall|pay <amount>]
Requires: Economy plugin and config setting tax-system to be enabled in global.conf. It is highly recommended to test this feature before turning on.

Used to manage taxes of a claim. See Tax System for more info.
Note: The argument force allows an admin to pay a claim's tax balance for another player.
Note: The argument reset will reset tax owed in claim. Requires griefdefender.admin.claim.command.admin-mode or ability to ignore claim type.
Note: The argument resetall will reset tax owed in all claims. Requires griefdefender.admin.claim.command.admin-mode or ability to ignore claim type.

/gd claim title

Aliases: claimtitle
Arguments: enter|exit main|sub <message>|clear|none
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.enter-title

Sets the enter or exit title of your claim.
Note: Use clear or none to clear title.

/gd claim transfer

Aliases: claimtransfer, transferclaim
Arguments: <player> [identifier]
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.transfer

Transfer the claim you're standing in, unless claim identifier is specified, to target player.

/gd claim we

Aliases: gdwe, gdworldedit
Arguments: claim|clear|select [identifier]
claim - creates GD claim from WE selection.
clear - clears worldedit selection.
select - creates new WE selection from GD claim.
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.worldedit.create
Requires: WorldEdit.

Used to manage GD claims with worldedit.
Note: This command will not work unless the server has WorldEdit.

/gd claimgroup admin

Aliases: cga, claimgroupadmin
Arguments: join <group> [<identifier>]|unjoin [<identifier>]|create <group>|delete <group>

Used to manage global admin claim groups. See Claim Groups for more info.

/gd confirm

Aliases: gdconfirm
Permission: griefdefender.user.command.confirm

Used to confirm chat confirmations by command.

/gd givepet

Aliases: givepet
Arguments: <player>

Transfers a pet you own to a new owner.

/gd mode basic

Aliases: bc, basicclaims, modeadmin
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.basic-mode

Switches the modification tool to basic claims mode which allows user to create basic claims.

/gd mode subdivide

Aliases: sc, modesubdivide, subdivideclaims
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.subdivide-mode

Switches the modification tool to subdivision mode, used to subdivide your claims.

/gd mode town

Aliases: modetown, townclaims

Switches the modification tool to town claims mode.

/gd player info

Aliases: gdplayerinfo, playerinfo
Arguments: [<player>|<player> <world>]
Additional Permissions: - Required to view other player's info. - Required to view other player's last active info. - Required to view town info. - Required to toggle chat capture.

Gets information about a player's data, claim blocks, and claim limits.

/gd player transferblocks

Aliases: transferblocks
Arguments: <player> <amount>
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.give.blocks

Transfers owned claim blocks to another player.
Note: This will deduct claim blocks from player using command. Use with caution!

/gd player trapped

Aliases: trapped
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.trapped

Teleports the player to a safe location if stuck and unable to build.

/gd player unlockdrops

Aliases: unlockdrops
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.unlock-drops

Allows other players to pickup any items dropped from death.

/gd sell blocks

Aliases: sellblocks, sellclaim, sellclaimblocks
Arguments: [amount]
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.sell-blocks
Requires: Economy plugin.

Sell your claim blocks for server money.
Note: economy-block-sell-return must be set higher than 0 in options.conf for this command to work.

/gd sell claim

Aliases: claimsell
Arguments: <price>|cancel
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.sell

Puts your claim up for sale at the set price.
Note: To cancel sale, execute /claimsell cancel

/gd toggle claim

Aliases: claim, toggleclaim
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.claim-mode.base

Toggles claim mode creation. This mode does not use tools.
Note: This will default to basic claim mode.
Note: Use left-click to visualize/hide claims.
Note: Use right-click to begin claiming.

/gd toggle cuboid

Aliases: cuboid, togglecuboid
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.cuboid

Toggles 3D cuboid claims mode which takes height into account rather than claiming from bedrock to sky.

/gd toggle gui

Aliases: claimgui
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.gui

Toggle interface between Chat/Inventory GUI.

/gd toggle inherit

Aliases: claiminherit, toggleclaiminherit
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.inherit

Toggles whether claim inherits flags and trust from parent claim.
Note: Does not affect children claims in towns as this is always enforced.

/gd toggle notifications

Aliases: claimnotifications
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.toggle.notifications

To enable/disable greeting/farewell messages on trusted claims.

/gd toggle tool

Aliases: claimtool
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.claim-tool

To enable/disable the claim tool.


/gd flag claim

Aliases: cf, claimflag
Arguments: [<flag> <target> <value> [contexts]]
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.flag.base
Additional Permissions:
griefdefender.user.claim.command.flag.gui - Required for using flag GUI if command specified with no args.
griefdefender.advanced.admin.flag.<flag_name> - Required for using this command for <flag_name> specified as argument.
griefdefender.user.claim.command.list-flags - Required for listing current flags used in claim.
griefdefender.user.definition.flag.<preset_name>.<group>.<definition_name> - Required to see user flag definitions presented in GUI.
griefdefender.admin.definition.flag.<preset_name>.<group>.<definition_name> - Required to see admin flag definitions presented in GUI. - Required to use chat capture feature in chat GUI.
griefdefender.advanced.admin.flags.base - Required to see ADVANCED button in chat GUI. - Required to see OWNER tab in GUI. - Required to see ACCESSOR tab in GUI. - Required to see BUILDER tab in GUI. - Required to see CONTAINER tab in GUI. - Required to see MANAGER tab in GUI.

Gets/Sets claim flags in the claim you are standing in.

/gd flag group

Aliases: cfg
Arguments: <group> [<flag> <target> <value> [contexts]]

Gets/Sets flag permission for a LP group in claim you are standing in.

/gd flag player

Aliases: cfp
Arguments: <player> <flag> <target> <value> [contexts]
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.flag.player

Adds flag permission to player.

/gd flag reset

Aliases: cfr
Arguments: [identifier]
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.flag.reset

Resets a claim to flag defaults by removing all persisted permissions with claim UUID in LP.

/gd flagdefinition

Aliases: claimflagdefinition, flagdefinition
Arguments: <preset:group:public|owner> <definition> <value> [identifier]
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.flag.definition
Additional Permissions:
griefdefender.user.definition.flag.<preset_name>.<group>.<definition_name> - The flag definition specified as argument will require this permission.
Example: To toggle flag definition tnt-block-explosion in minecraft user group
/gd flagdefinition minecraft:user:public tnt-block-explosion true

Toggles specified flag definition to true or false.

/gd flagdefinition group

Aliases: claimflagdefinitiongroup, flagdefinitiongroup
Arguments: <group> <preset:group:public|owner> <definition> <value> [identifier]
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.flag.definition-group
Additional Permissions:
griefdefender.user.definition.flag.<preset_name>.<group>.<definition_name> - The flag definition specified as argument will require this permission.
Example: To toggle flag definition tnt-block-explosion in minecraft user group on LP group named vip
/gd flagdefinition group vip minecraft:user:public tnt-block-explosion true

Toggles specified flag definition on LP group to true or false.

/gd flagdefinition player

Aliases: claimflagdefinitionplayer, flagdefinitionplayer
Arguments: <player> <preset:group:public|owner> <definition> <value> [identifier]
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.flag.definition-player
Additional Permissions:
griefdefender.user.definition.flag.<preset_name>.<group>.<definition_name> - The flag definition specified as argument will require this permission.
Example: To toggle flag definition tnt-block-explosion in minecraft user group on LP player named Player123
/gd flagdefinition player Player123 minecraft:user:public tnt-block-explosion true

Toggles specified flag definition on LP player to true or false.


/gd option claim

Aliases: cod, claimoption
Arguments: [<option> <value> [contexts]]
Permission: griefdefender.admin.claim.command.option.base
Additional Permissions:
griefdefender.user.claim.command.option.gui - Required for using option GUI.
griefdefender.advanced.admin.options.arg - Required for using command with args.
griefdefender.advanced.admin.option.<option_name> - Required for using this command for <option_name> specified as argument.
griefdefender.user.claim.command.list-options - Required for listing current options used in claim.
griefdefender.user.definition.option.<preset_name>.<group>.<definition_name> - Required to see user option definitions presented in GUI.
griefdefender.admin.definition.option.<preset_name>.<group>.<definition_name> - Required to see admin option definitions presented in GUI.

Gets/Sets options in the claim you are standing in.

/gd option group

Aliases: cog
Arguments: <group> [<option> <value> [contexts]]

Gets/Sets options for LP group in claim you are standing in.

/gd option player

Aliases: cop
Arguments: <player> [<option> <value> [contexts]]
Permission: griefdefender.admin.claim.command.option.player

Gets/Sets options for a player in claim you are standing in.


Note: public is for all users.

/gd trust player

Resident: Grants a player/group ability to create claims, includes accessor trust.
Accessor: Grants a player entry to your claim(s) and use of your bed
Container: Grants a player access to your claim's containers, crops, animals, bed, buttons, and levers
Builder: Grants a player edit access to your claim(s)
Manager: Grants a player access to all of the above including claim settings
Aliases: trust
Arguments: <player>|public <trusttype>

Grants a player access to your claim(s).

/gd trust group

Resident: Grants a player/group ability to create claims, includes accessor trust.
Accessor: Grants a group entry to your claim(s) and use of your bed
Container: Grants a group access to your claim's containers, crops, animals, bed, buttons, and levers
Builder: Grants a group edit access to your claim(s)
Manager: Grants a group access to all of the above including claim settings
Aliases: trustgroup
Arguments: <group> [<accessor|builder|container|manager|resident>] [identifier]

Grants a LP group access to the claim you are standing in unless a claim identifier is specified.

/gd trustall player

Resident: Grants a player/group ability to create claims, includes accessor trust.
Accessor: Grants a player entry to ALL your claim(s) and use of your bed
Container: Grants a player access to ALL your claim's containers, crops, animals, bed, buttons, and levers
Builder: Grants a player edit access to ALL your claim(s)
Manager: Grants a player access to all of the above including claim settings
Aliases: trust
Arguments: <player>|public <trusttype>
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.trustall.player

Grants a player access to ALL your claim(s).

/gd trustall group

Resident: Grants a player/group ability to create claims, includes accessor trust. Accessor: Grants a group entry to ALL your claim(s) and use of your bed
Container: Grants a group access to ALL your claim's containers, crops, animals, bed, buttons, and levers
Builder: Grants a group edit access to ALL your claim(s)
Manager: Grants a group access to all of the above including claim settings
Aliases: trustallgroup
Arguments: <group>|public <accessor|builder|container|manager|resident>

Grants a LP group access to ALL your claim(s).

/gd trustalladmin group

Resident: Grants a player/group ability to create claims, includes accessor trust.
Accessor: Grants a group entry to ALL your claim(s) and use of your bed
Container: Grants a group access to ALL your claim's containers, crops, animals, bed, buttons, and levers
Builder: Grants a group edit access to ALL your claim(s)
Manager: Grants a group access to all of the above including claim settings
Aliases: trustallgroup
Arguments: <group>|public <accessor|builder|container|manager|resident>

Grants a LP group access to ALL admin claim(s).

/gd trust list

Aliases: trustlist
Arguments: [type] [identifier]

Manages trust for the claim you're standing in.

/gd untrust player

Aliases: untrust
Arguments: <player>|public [<accessor|builder|container|manager|resident>] [identifier]
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.untrust.player

Revokes a player's access to your claim.

/gd untrust group

Aliases: untrustgroup
Arguments: <group>|public [<accessor|builder|container|manager|resident>] [identifier]

Revokes a group's access to your claim.

/gd untrustall player

Aliases: untrustall
Arguments: <player>|public [<accessor|builder|container|manager|resident>]
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.command.untrustall.player

Revokes a player's access to ALL your claim(s).

/untrustall group

Aliases: untrustallgroup
Arguments: <group>|public [<accessor|builder|container|manager|resident>]

Revokes a group's access to ALL your claim(s).


/gd abandon allother

Aliases: abandonallother
Arguments: <player> <world>
Permission: griefdefender.admin.claim.command.abandon.all-other

Allows an admin to abandon ALL claims of specified player for specified world.

/gd abandon world

Aliases: abandonworld
Arguments: [world]

Allows an to abandon ALL user claims in current world unless specified.

/gd ban

Aliases: claimban
Arguments: hand | <type> <target> [world] [<message>]
Note: Valid types are entity, item, block
Note: Target represents the identifier of entity, item, or block
Permission: griefdefender.admin.claim.command.ban
Example: To ban sticky piston usage in world named valhalla :
/gd ban block minecraft:sticky_piston valhalla "You are not allowed to use sticky pistons in this world."

Bans target entity, item, block, or item in hand from all usage.

/gd claim clear

Aliases: claimclear
Arguments: <target> [identifier]
Permission: griefdefender.admin.claim.command.clear
Example: To clear all pigs in current claim :
/gd claim clear minecraft:pig

Allows clearing of entities within one or more claims in claim you are standing on unless a claim identifier is specified.

/gd claim reserve

Aliases: claimreserve
Arguments: [name]
Permission: griefdefender.admin.claim.command.reserve-name

Reserves a claim name for administrator use.
Note: Use no arguments to see current list of reserved names.

/gd claim restore

Aliases: claimrestore, restoreclaim
Permission: griefdefender.admin.command.restore-claim.base
Requires: WorldEdit.

Restores claim to its natural world generated state. Use with caution.
Note: This does not support custom worlds.

/gd claim schematic

Aliases: claimschematic
Arguments: [<apply|create|delete> <name>]
Permission: griefdefender.admin.claim.command.reserve-name

Manages claim schematics. Use /claimschematic create <name> to create a live backup of claim.
Note: Use no arguments to launch schematic GUI.

/gd debug

Aliases: gddebug
Arguments: on|off|record|paste [filter]
Permission: griefdefender.admin.claim.command.debug
Example: To record all flag actions in claim you are standing in :
/gddebug record claim then /gddebug paste to retrieve link.

Toggles admin claim debugging mode to record actions in claim. See Debugging for more info.
Note: Use claim filter to only include debug in claim you are standing in.

/gd delete claim

Aliases: deleteclaim
Arguments: [identifier]
Permission: griefdefender.admin.claim.command.delete-claims

Deletes the claim you're standing in, even if it's not your claim.
Note: This command will not refund player currency back or handle the abandon return ratio. Use with caution on user claims!

/gd delete all

Aliases: deleteall
Arguments: <player> [world]
Permission: griefdefender.admin.claim.command.delete-claims

Delete all of another player's claims.
Note: This command will not refund player currency back or handle the abandon return ratio. Use with caution on user claims!

/gd delete alladmin

Aliases: deletealladmin
Arguments: [world]
Permission: griefdefender.admin.claim.command.delete-claims

Deletes all administrative claims.

/gd delete top

Aliases: deletetop
Permission: griefdefender.admin.claim.command.delete-claims

Deletes the claim you are standing on and all its subdivisions unless a claim identifier is specified.
Note: If used on a town claim, it will also include all basic children claims owned by the town owner.

/gd economy blocktransfer

Aliases: gdblocktransfer
Permission: griefdefender.admin.claim.command.block-transfer

Transfers ALL player remaining accrued/bonus claim blocks into currency then sets their accrued and bonus amounts to 0.
Note: This MUST be used if you are switching from claim blocks system to economy mode.

/gd mode admin

Aliases: ac, adminclaims, modeadmin
Permission: griefdefender.admin.claim.command.admin-mode

Switches the modification tool to admin claims mode which allows user to create admin claims.

/gd mode nature

Aliases: modenature
Permission: griefdefender.admin.command.restore-nature.base

Switches the modification tool to restoration mode.
Note: This command is current not available.

/gd player adjustbonusblocks

Aliases: adjustbonusblocks
Arguments: <player> <amount> [world]
Permission: griefdefender.admin.command.set-accrued-claim-blocks

Adds or subtracts bonus claim blocks for a player

/gd player adjustbonusblocksall

Aliases: adjustbonusblocksall
Arguments: <amount>
Permission: griefdefender.admin.command.set-accrued-claim-blocks-all

Adjusts bonus claim block total for all online players by amount specified.

/gd player setaccruedblocks

Aliases: scb, setaccruedblocks
Arguments: <player> <amount> [world]
Permission: griefdefender.admin.command.set-accrued-claim-blocks

Updates a player's accrued claim block total.

/gd permission group

Aliases: cpg
Arguments: <group> [<permission> <value>]
Permission: griefdefender.admin.claim.command.permission-group
Requires: The command source executing this command must have the permission specified as arg.

Sets a permission on a group with a claim context.
Note: Use this command when you want to override LP permissions in a claim.

/gd permission player

Aliases: cpp
Arguments: <player> [<permission> <value>]
Permission: griefdefender.admin.claim.command.permission-player
Requires: The command source executing this command must have the permission specified as arg.

Sets a permission on a player with a claim context.
Note: Use this command when you want to override LP permissions in a claim.

/gd reload

Aliases: gdreload
Permission: griefdefender.admin.command.reload

Reloads GriefDefender's configuration settings.

/gd schematic

Aliases: claimschematic
Arguments: <create|delete> <name>
Permission: griefdefender.admin.claim.command.schematic

Manages claim schematics. Use /claimschematic create <name> to create a live backup of claim.

/gd toggle ignore

Aliases: claimignore, ic, ignoreclaims, toggleclaimignore
Permission: griefdefender.admin.claim.command.ignore.base
Additional Permissions:
griefdefender.admin.claim.command.ignore.admin - Required to ignore admin claims.
griefdefender.admin.claim.command.ignore.basic - Required to ignore basic claims. - Required to ignore town claims.
griefdefender.admin.claim.command.ignore.wilderness - Required to ignore wilderness.

Toggles ignore claims mode.

/gd unban

Aliases: claimunban
Arguments: hand | <type> <target>
Note: Valid types are entity, item, block
Note: Target represents the identifier of entity, item, or block
Permission: griefdefender.admin.claim.command.ban
Example: To unban sticky piston usage in current world :
/gd unban block minecraft:sticky_piston

Unbans target entity, item, block, or item in hand allowing it to be used again.


/gd claimgroup player

Aliases: claimgroup
Arguments: join <group> [<identifier>]|unjoin [<identifier>]|create <group>|delete <group>
Permission: griefdefender.advanced.user.claim.command.player

Used to manage player claim groups. See Claim Groups for more info.

/gd snapshot

Aliases: claimsnapshot
Arguments: <apply|create|delete> <name> [contexts]
Permission: griefdefender.advanced.user.claim.command.snapshot

Manages claim snapshots used to backup/restore/replace a claim's permission, option, trust, or claim data. See Claim Snapshots for more info.



Lists detailed information on each command.

/gd help


Displays GriefDefender command help.

/gd version

Aliases: gdversion
Permission: griefdefender.user.command.version

Lists GD, LP, and platform version information.